Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week 8 Blog Assignment: Reflection

I have learned a lot about communication technologies this quarter that I believe can benefit me throughout my life and my career. Having the ability to use basic design programs such as Adobe InDesign or Photoshop and knowing how to design a website could benefit me in many different areas of life in the future. These skills are extremely beneficial if I wanted to start my own business or make my services known to the public. Having a little bit of knowledge about so many different kinds of technology, including podcasts, social media websites and design programs, will help me keep up in an ever changing and progressing world. For my Week 6 blog assignment I had the opportunity to create an account on a new social media website. I chose to create a LinkedIn account because I have heard that they are beneficial in the business world for making connections and getting my name out there. Many of my peers have LinkedIn accounts which is why I thought it would be a good idea to make one as well. Luckily I had an assignment in another class to make a LinkedIn account, but because of the blog assignment in Jason's 350 course I had already began making mine. I think that LinkedIn is a wonderful tool for making business connections and searching for employment.

Having a blog has been an interesting experience. I had never had one before Professor Lind's 350 course and I think it was another good experience in the technological and social media fields. While I might not continue with this blog because it pertains to a specific college course, I definitely might start another blog about my travels or personal anecdotes in the future. I think that it is a good way to get ideas out into the world and have others give you feedback. This course as a whole has very beneficial and applicable to real world experiences. I would recommend this course to anyone thinking about taking it!

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